FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to create an account/login to place my order?

You do not need to log in to place an order: you can simply go to your shopping cart and click on the “Checkout button.

However, if you would like to create an account to facilitate your future orders, ] you can use the Register form which can be found on the following page: //spirulinasolutions.fr/compte/ (provided you are not already logged in).

I use your N250 preparation to feed my spirulina, in an aquarium. I just harvested 50 grams of fresh spirlina, can I use N250 and add salt and bicarbonate to compensate for my harvest? How do I know what proportions to use?

First mix the NL250 as explained here:  spirulinasolutions.fr/boutique/nourriture-de-la-spiruline-n-250/ And remember to post these technical questions on the forums (on our French site). https://spirulinasolutions.fr/forum/ so that the answers may benefit a larger number of people 🙂

Does the air pump in an aquarium have to run 24 hours a day or should it be turned off every now and then?

Pumps should be avoided in aquariums, they break the spirulina. A pump (5w) can be used at harvest time.

What explains the differences of colors between dry spirulinas? I have in my possession spirulina from almost a dozen different origins and I would like to understand why the taste can vary so much. On the one hand there are the darker ones (Mongolia/China) which seem neutral to me, and on the other hand there are the “bright green” ones (India, Burkina Faso, France) with a little sweet taste. Could it be due to a difference in species, drying technique, sunlight or something else?

The differences in color of dry spirulina can be due to many factors. The characteristics of the strain used, the shading of the basins (sunshine), but especially the type of drying. The ones from Mongolia and China are dried by atomization (like milk powder). The higher temperature can darken the appearance of the spirulina powder obtained. In India, Burkina Faso and France the artisanal drying gives a lighter color. Note also that spirulina becomes a lighter and lighter green as it ages, and even blue when the chlorophyll deteriorates. For this reason it is not advised to keep spirulina for more than 1 year.